Supporting Application of Human Rights Standards by Arab Courts – closed

Our regional activity was a joint effort of ILAC and Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI) to contribute to improved judicial and legal education to support the development of justice sector professionals responsive to and applying international human rights standards.

 Activities in: Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia

ILAC and RWI supported justice sector institutions in the MENA region to uphold their mandates and helped ensure equal access to justice by promoting the integration and mainstreaming of human rights education into the curricula of judicial and legal training institutes.

Through ILAC’s coordination and RWI implementation, this project aimed to improve performance of legal and judicial professionals in the region with regard to the application of human rights standards, including the protection of women’s and girl’s rights, in courts.

Together with faculty from the judicial training institutes, RWI delivered training-of-trainer workshops on the integration of human rights education to staff at universities and lawyers’ training institutes. 

The training methodology guides the institutes and universities on how to teach international human rights law alongside national law. The basic principle is that when taught as an integrated part of the curriculum, and not as a separate subject, the likelihood that new or returning (for continuous legal education) legal and judicial professionals will be able to apply human rights standards in practice will increase.

The methodology has been well-received and integrated into the curricula of several judicial training institutes in the region, and this phase of the engagement will broaden the target groups to also include lawyers.

Our Members and Partners

Our role was to coordinate our members, national and international partners, to avoid duplication of efforts, to ensure cost-efficiency and to report to donors. Our activities in the regional project were part of our ILAC three-year long MENA regional programme – closed and were implemented by our member RWI

Additionally, ILAC was the point of contact for the donor – the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

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